What Is Collagen & Why Is It Important?


You will know by now that I firmly believe that healthy, glowing skin is just as much about what you put in your body, as what you put on it. A great skincare routine and skin treatments always help, but it's important to balance that out with a healthy diet and supplements that support your body and skin. That is why this month we are shining the spotlight on collagen & answering the common question: what is collagen & why is it important?

One of the most abundant proteins in our body, collagen is the major building block for our skin, bones, tendons & ligaments. It is found in the dermal layer of our skin, along with elastin, hyaluronic acid, blood vessels & sweat and sebum glands & it is the critical component to healthy, youthful skin because it gives us density, volume & structure. But with age & the impact of external factors like UV exposure, diet, lifestyle, genetics, stress & illness, our natural collagen production begins to deplete, particularly from the age of 25. 

While it’s impossible to avoid ageing & some of the other external factors that impact collagen production, it’s not all doom & gloom from your mid-twenties! Lucky for us, there are plenty of ready-made collagen supplements that can easily be added into your daily routine. My personal fave & the one we choose to stock & recommend to our beautiful clients is the Imbibe Miracle Collagen.

The Imbibe Miracle Collagen supplement is made from next-generation collagen peptides, clinically proven to stimulate skin cells to produce more collagen resulting in your most luminous, bouncy & radiant-looking skin. Simply add 2 teaspoons to any hot or cold drink daily & you are on your way to glowing skin! With collagen sourced from small scale farmers & created on home soil in Byron Bay, the supplement is 100% bio-active, 100% potent & 100% bio-available, which means it is quick & easy to digest with no chemical taste, which is a win-win! 

So, if you want youthful, bouncy skin despite the chronological clock, add a collagen supplement to your beauty routine & don’t just rely on your natural collagen production. You can pick some of the Imbibe range up next time you are in the salon & don’t hesitate to ask Jenna or I for more information at your next appointment. 

Emily Mee